We have created a newsletter graphic and copy for you to share with your community to inform them that our program is available and encourage them to learn more.
Dear Community Member,
Did you know there are many QUALIFIED renters out there who believe homeownership is beyond their reach? But it is not, and we are on a mission to educate Pierce County residents that they CAN be homeowners! With our Homebuyer Program, Pierce County residents can access affordable homeownership made possible through our restricted resale/land lease model. This includes special mortgage products for income-qualified people, among other resources and support.
Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity is making significant strides in preserving affordable, entry-level homeownership and addressing disparities with its transformative project, preserving 80 homes and offering them as affordable homeownership opportunities. This initiative is a part of Tacoma Habitat’s commitment to increasing access to affordable homeownership and helping families build generational wealth. We need your help to spread the word! This toolkit includes educational assets that you can use, post or hand out to get this info out to the community!
We have created a newsletter graphic and copy for you to share with your community to inform them that our program is available and encourage them to learn more.
This brief fact sheet provides details on our Homebuyer Program to inform Pierce County residents about the option and eligibility to purchase a home through Habitat for Humanity, as well as what Habitat homes are like. This can be hung on bulletin boards, in break rooms, near time clocks and other highly trafficked areas.
We invite you to share our ready made social media posts with your clients, community, colleagues and collaborative partners, providing useful information about our program and the journey to homeownership.
We have also created a web page where more information is available at OwnInPierce.com
We are honored to have your partnership in bringing awareness of the real possibility of affordable homeownership to more of Pierce County and helping them take the first step in owning a home.
For questions please contact us at (253) 627-5626
Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity